
Reading In The Mobile Era

This is why we are striving to provide modern and innovative solutions to the community resource center's we build. We understand that with modern technology we are able to reach more people and help in the areas of education and literacy. As previously mentioned in one of our other blog posts our goal with #ProjectGolu is to finalize the project with the installation of a digital library that will provide local and global content, among other learning materials on both tablets and solar powered desktop computers.

Village Link Project Update

Last week was a busy week for TVL. We had a number of meetings on the East Coast in NY and Washington D.C., all to help us reach our mission. Part of our mission is to work with community entrepreneurs and other organizations to encourage economic growth. Our first meeting of the week was with an interesting nonprofit called Sustainable Travel International that aims to "help communities, businesses and governments build a better future for themselves and their environments through travel and tourism". When we first heard about Sustainable Travel we knew we needed to talk to them to see if there would be any interest in adding Sierra Leone as a destination. Not only do we love what they are doing, we think Salone is a great destination. The country has beautiful beaches, charming villages and markets and a fun and exciting nightlife in the cities. A little bit for everyone! Sierra Leone has a lot to offer the adventurous traveller. In addition to spreading the word that this country is a hidden gem to visit, this could be an opportunity for Golu and its residents to provide goods and services for its visitors, all the while improving their economy. We've just begun the talks but our ambitious goal is to get to Salone before the end of the year to host Sustainable Travel and prove to them that Salone is a destination worthy to add to their list! Travel contingent on the Ebola situation and travel restrictions. 

Lam-Tech Digital LibraryOur second meeting of the week was really exciting for TVL! We've already shared with you that we are looking into bringing a digital library solution to Golu that would operate on a solar powered server intranet system that would be up to date with both local and global content ranging from Khan Academy to primary learning modules to Sierra Leonean School Syllabus content. The company that we have been vetting out is Lam-Tech, a local Sierra Leone tech consulting business with a nonprofit foundation to help schools and nonprofits like TVL provide an innovative approach to learning. For us, this was an exciting and successful meeting because it gave us a chance to learn that Lam-Tech and TVL share the same passion to help facilitate continued learning opportunities. Lam-tech is as passionate about this as we are. This week our Director, Ibrahim, was scheduled to meet with Lam-tech team members in Freetown to discuss how to adapt their product to Golu's environment. More to come on this as things progress.

Another interesting potential project that came out of this meeting was the initial discussion of TVL helping to facilitate the development of a small manufacturing facility, possibly in Golu, for Lam-Tech hardware. Again, the interest that TVL has in this is to be the conduit between Lam-Tech and the people of Golu to encourage entrepreneurship, job creation and economic development. More to come on this later too.

Our last meeting of the trip was with one of our board members, Michael McGirr and a fellow past Peace Corp volunteer, Don Wilson. The three of us volunteered in Golu during the 70's together. This was a strategic planning meeting to start discussions on where to take TVL in the future.

All in all, it was a successful week with good developments but still a lot of work to do!

Golu Resource Center Well on It's Way to Being a Self-Sustainable Facility.

So far we have been able to complete the construction of the resource center, install solar power and provide a few computers and other equipment to get things started. The Golu community has played an extremely active part in getting the center where it is today. Volunteers from the community have stepped up to help manage the facility and provide security. The center and village has even started to generate revenue from solar powered cell phone charge stations and they even have plans to start charging admission to watch sporting events and movies on a projected screen. All revenue will stay in the community and go towards running the facility. The center has proven to be useful in more ways than what TVL originally anticipate by providing both Golu and surrounding villages the benefit of solar power during night time deliveries for the health and safety of mother and child . It's amazing that the center has been able to contribute to the community in this way!

The village members are really entrepreneurial at heart and want to better their home and provide opportunity for their young. The center may have been built through TVL but during each step in the process we have stuck to our goal of working with the community to ensure they get what THEY need vs. told what they need. Through our experience and expertise, we have been able to provide innovative solutions to meet these needs. The resource center is well on its way to being the self-sustaining operation we have been working towards. We just have a few more milestones to reach before closing this chapter.

  1. Install a digital library with local and global content
  2. Provide education for community volunteers
    1. Solar Power Maintenance
    2. Cell Phone Carrier Training Program (Top Up Minutes)
  3. Generate Enough Revenue to sustain building requirements

If you'd like to help us reach these milestones you can do so through a contribution here.

Journal Entries From Salone 2013 - Entry 4

December 2 - 3:

Today I want to give you a glimpse into the village life and the people that make up Golu. Over the past few days I've been talking with people of all ages and the common theme is gratitude for what TVL is doing. The reason for this is because TVL has committed to be a community driven resource and facilitator to provide what the people want and need instead of telling them what they need and want. You will notice as you look through our photos that there are many meetings I take with the leaders of the community to make sure TVL stays in tune with the community needs. This is the driving force of what we do. Enjoy the photos and please stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter and our website for more updates on our Nov./Dec. 2013 trip to Salone and lighting up Project Golu!

If you would like to make a donation to help us complete this project you can here.